
Monitoring and Automation

Monitoring and Automation Products

Our complete monitoring and automation solutions include hardware, communications, synchrophasor measurements, data collection and archiving, and operations software to help you automate protection functions, monitor load flow, and improve system performance.

Complete Your Solution

SEL-411L Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System

Complete protection and control of any transmission line. The SEL-411L offers differential protection with both phase- and sequence-based operating elements plus backup distance protection. Deploy it with the SEL ICON, SEL-2240 Axion, or other communications platforms.

Learn more 

SEL-421 Protection, Automation, and Control System

High-speed distance and directional protection and complete control of a two-breaker bay—plus advanced automation and monitoring capabilities.

Learn more 

SEL Synchrowave Operations Software

SEL Synchrowave Operations software complements traditional SCADA systems and energy management systems by delivering power system insights that SCADA can’t provide.

With the fast-changing dynamics introduced by renewable energy integration, the system awareness provided by Synchrowave Operations is essential to ensuring that operators know what is really happening on the grid.

Synchrowave Operations works seamlessly with all SEL transmission protection devices to collect synchrophasor measurements and turn the data into information you can use. High-resolution time-series data, real-time analytics, and geographic information system (GIS) location information come together to improve system operators’ situational awareness.

Engineering Services

We can partner with you to create an SEL solution that puts you in control of your own system. From modeling and planning through commissioning and training, our engineers are among the electric power industry’s foremost experts—and they’re focused on what you need.

Products and Services You Can Rely On

SEL products are designed and manufactured for the world’s most challenging environments, exceeding all industry standards for temperature, shock, and electric stress. An optional conformal coating for circuit boards adds an extra level of protection against contaminants in extreme environments.

Every SEL product comes with a ten-year warranty—the best in the industry. If any product fails under warranty, we’ll repair or replace it for free.

Questions? Contact Us!

If you have any questions about SEL products, services, solutions, or support, please contact us. Our service and support professionals are ready to provide the answers you need.

Unbeatable Support

SEL support teams are stationed in regional offices around the world and staffed with application engineers who are experts in our products and in power system applications.

Technical support for SEL-manufactured devices is always complimentary. No matter how often you need to call or how long your SEL products have been in service, you’ll reach an SEL expert who can provide the service and support you need.

Our cybersecurity team is always ready with the information and resources needed to keep your OT networks and critical systems secure and working effectively. Cyber services support contracts can include incident response, audits, system hardening, and more, depending on your anticipated needs.

More about SEL warranty and support