Engenharia e Serviços
SEL 411L
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SEL-411L With Conventional Secondary Inputs
SEL-411L-2 With Sampled Values or TiDL Technology
SEL 411L
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SEL-411L With Conventional Secondary Inputs
SEL-411L-2 With Sampled Values or TiDL Technology
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Manual de instruções
SEL-411L Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System and SEL-400 Series Relays
Data Sheet
SEL-411L Protection, Automation, and Control System
SEL-411L Sistema Avançado de Controle, Automação e Proteção Diferencial de Linha
Os documentos são classificados pela mais nova primeiro.
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Soluções para sistemas secundários digitais da SEL
SEL-411L Sistema Avançado de Controle, Automação e Proteção Diferencial de Linha
Tecnologia de link de domínio do tempo SEL (TiDL®)
Data Sheets
SEL-411L Protection, Automation, and Control System
SEL-411L-2 Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System With Sampled Values or TiDL Technology
Guias de especificação
SEL-411L-2 Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System With Sampled Values or TiDL Technology
SEL-411L-2 Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System With Sampled Values or TiDL Technology
SEL-411L Protection, Automation, and Control System
SEL-411L Protection, Automation, and Control System
Guias de instalação
SEL-400 Series TiDL Quick-Start Guide
Installing IP52 Dust Protection for SEL-400 Series Panel-Mount Relays
Manuais de instruções
SEL-411L Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System
SEL-411L Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System and SEL-400 Series Relays
SEL-411L-2 Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System With Sampled Values or TiDL Technology
SEL-411L-2 Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System With Sampled Values or TiDL Technology and SEL-400 Series Relays
Tabela de Ajustes
Memória de cálculo para os ajustes do Relé de Proteção Diferencial de Linhas de Transmissão SEL-411L (usado em uma linha de 230kV com dois terminais)
Memória de cálculo para os ajustes do Relé de Proteção Diferencial de Linhas de Transmissão SEL-411L (usado em uma linha de 230kV com três terminais e 1 transformador em um dos terminais)
Memória de cálculo para os ajustes do Relé de Proteção Diferencial de Linhas de Transmissão SEL-411L (usado em uma linha de 230kV com três terminais)
Etiquetas configuráveis
SEL-400 Series Enhanced HMI Configurable Label Template (Horizontal)
SEL-400 Series Enhanced HMI Configurable Label Template (Horizontal; A4)
SEL-400 Series Enhanced HMI Configurable Label Template (Vertical)
SEL-400 Series Enhanced HMI Configurable Label Template (Vertical; A4)
SEL 400 Series Configurable Label Instructions
Guia de pedidos
SEL-411L-2 With Sampled Values or TiDL Technology
SEL-411L Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System
Wiring Harness for Connectorized SEL-411L
Downloads relacionados
SEL-411L and 411L-0, 1 DNP3 Device Profile Information
SEL-411L-2 DNP3 Device Profile Information
SEL-411L IEC 61850 Edition 2 Conformance Certificate
SEL-411L IEC 61850 Edition 2 MICS
SEL-411L IEC 61850 Edition 2 PICS
SEL-411L IEC 61850 Edition 2 PIXIT
SEL-411L IEC 61850 Edition 2 TICS
Guias de aplicação
Aplicando Relés SEL em Sistemas com Fontes Baseadas em Inversores
Compreendendo e Utilizando Efetivamente o Protocolo SEL
Mirrored Bits
Habilitando o SEL-411L para Proteção Diferencial de Linha Sobre Ethernet
Aprimorando a Localização de Faltas por Ondas Viajantes no Relé SEL-411L
Guia para Configuração da Função de Sobrecarga Térmica para Linhas de Transmissão nos Relés SEL-4XX
Programming Non-Directional Distance Elements in the SEL-411L and SEL-421
Related Material
SEL Fiber-Optic Device Compatibility Guide
Healthy Voltage Supervision for Manual Alternate Voltage (ALTV) Activation in SEL-400 Line Relays
Testing the Negative-Sequence Directional Element When E32 = AUTO2
Maintaining Switched-Mode Relay Responsiveness in an RSTP Network
Using an ICON Ethernet Bridging Access Module as an IEEE 1588 Time Source for an SEL-411L
Application Considerations for the Broken Conductor Detection Element
Double-Ended Traveling-Wave Fault Locating Using the SEL RTAC as a DNP3 Client
Related Material
Using an ICON and SDN to Distribute IEEE 1588 PTP Over a WAN and a LAN
Testing the Conventional Out-of-Step Element Using Multistate Tests for Line Protection Relays
Related Material
OOS Testing
Applying SEL-411L and SEL-421 Relays to Permissive Underreaching Transfer Trip (PUTT) Schemes
Testing the Traveling-Wave Fault Locator in the SEL-411L-1 With the SEL-T4287
Defining DCE and DTE: Null Modem Cable and Straight-Through Cable Applications
Implementing Inverse-Time Frequency Elements Using SEL-400 Series Relays to Comply With NERC Standard PRC-024-3
Use SEL-300 and SEL-400 Series Relays to Set Up POTT and DCB Schemes
Testing the High-Speed Mho Elements in the SEL-411L and SEL-421
Related Material
High-Speed Mho Distance Testing
Applying 87L Over Ethernet With SEL-411L and SEL ICON
Setting and Testing Line Charging Current Compensation in the SEL-411L Relay
Applying the SEL-411L for In-Line Transformer Applications
Testing the SEL-411L for In-Line Transformer Applications
Applying 87L Protection in the SEL-411L for Multiterminal Applications
Configuring an SEL-400 Series Relay and an SEL-2488 to Use IEEE 1588v2-2008 Precision Time Protocol With the IEEE C37.238 Profile
Mapping Analog Inputs to a SCADA Protocol for Remote Indication of Fault Location in SEL-311, SEL-321, SEL-421, and SEL-411L Relays
Revised Setting Guidelines for E32 in SEL Relays
Understanding Test Mode in the SEL-411L Advanced Line Differential Protection, Automation, and Control System
Viewing and Resetting the Watchdog Counters in the SEL-411L Relay
Notas de Aplicação
Fiber-Optic Amplifiers
Changing Metering Direction in SEL-400 Series Relays for SCADA Applications
Artigos técnicos
Localização de Faltas em Relés de Proteção Através de Ondas Viajantes
A Bus Cleared and a Hidden Breaker Insulation Failure Revealed
Challenges and Solutions for Distance Elements Protecting Transmission Lines With Tapped Loads
A Practical Guide: Design and Protection Considerations for Developing Reliable Automatic Transfer Schemes (ATSs)
Lessons Learned Through Commissioning, Livening, and Operating Switchgear: Part 2
Complete Monitoring Solution to Improve Reliability and Performance of Digital Secondary Systems
Catastrophic Breaker Failures Due to Missing Current Zero-Crossings in Highly Shunt-Compensated 500 kV Lines—Point-on-Wave, Reclosing, and Protection Considerations
Improving Ground Fault Sensitivity for Transmission Lines Near Inverter-Based Resources
Dependability of Transient-Based Line Protection Elements and Schemes
Getting the Lines Crossed—How a Three-Phase Series Fault Caused a Sequence of Relay Operations
Security Criterion for Distance Zone 1 Applications in High SIR Systems With CCVTs
Evaluating Phasor-Based and Time-Domain Elements for Short Line Applications
Applying Dependable and Secure Protection With Quadrilateral Distance Elements
Ground Fault Protection for Resistance-Grounded Collector Feeders With Inverter-Based Resources
Correlating Traveling-Wave Arrival Times to the Bewley Diagram—A New Systematic Approach for Offline Traveling-Wave Fault Locating
Performance of IEC 61850 Sampled Values Relays for a Real-World Fault
Lessons Learned Through Commissioning, Livening, and Operating Switchgear
Detecting and Locating Broken Conductor Faults on High-Voltage Lines to Prevent Autoreclosing Onto Permanent Faults
Considerations When Using Charging Current Compensation in Line Current Differential Applications
Best Practices for Implementing PTP in the Power Industry
Line Differential Protection Under Unusual System Conditions
Testing Considerations for Line Current Differential Schemes
Modern Line Current Differential Protection Solutions
Fly Safe and Level: Customer Examples in Implementing Dual Primary Protection Systems