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Underground Test Point Reset Fault Indicator

The SEL-TPR is an underground faulted circuit indicator (FCI) that attaches to capacitive test points in single- or three-phase systems. It replaces the protective cap on capacitive test points, acting as the new cap with the added benefit of providing fault indication. The SEL-TPR eliminates the need to account for the position of the concentric neutral, as is common with cable-mounted FCIs, and automatically resets upon system voltage restoration.

The SEL-TPR is easy to install with any industry-standard hot stick and the molded rubber hook eye. Powered by voltage, the SEL-TPR does not have a minimum load current requirement, making it great for lightly loaded circuit applications.

For basic insulating plug (BIP) applications, the SEL-TPR offers a model option that works for 600 A applications without a test point on the T-body.

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Easy, Cost-Effective Solutions—Choose the most cost-effective fault indicator in the industry for elbow test point applications. The SEL-TPR is easy to install on most brands of 200 A- or 600 A-class elbows with capacitive test points and is ideal for pad-mounted transformer and switchgear applications.

BIP Without a Test Point—Select the SEL-TPR model option for a BIP voltage reset boot. This model works for 600 A applications without a test point on the elbow or T-body. It receives power and resets from the BIP voltage and senses the fault current with three cable-mounted sensors.

Fault Indicator for Wind Farms—Determine the fault location and restore operations in wind farm collector systems. Wind turbine outputs are fed through a transformer and distributed overhead or underground to a collector substation. The voltage will then be stepped up by the collector substation transformer to the utility transmission voltage. A single fault can disable from one to an entire line of turbines. SEL-TPRs help operations personnel quickly determine the location of the fault, isolate the faulted section, and restore the balance of the wind farm.

Solar Photovoltaic Plants—Apply the SEL-TPR in solar photovoltaic plants that use terminations equipped with capacitive test points located on the T-body of 600 A terminations.

Single- and Three-Phase Feed-Through Pad-Mounted Transformers—Monitor the cable in feed-through transformers to quickly identify faults, including those caused by dig-ins, aging cables, and wildlife.

Junction Cabinets—Speed up FCI deployment in junction cabinets on elbows and T-bodies with test points. The SEL-TPR’s simple installation is ideal for the space constraints and large number of cables in the cabinets.

Low Load Current—Install the SEL-TPR model option for a BIP where there is insufficient load current to power a current reset fault indicator. The SEL-TPRs use voltage for power and reset.


Auxiliary contact options provide an economical way to indicate status to SCADA systems, and you can choose from a variety of remote displays. (Please note, the SEL-TPR for BIP applications is only available with the standard “V” display.)

_FIS Displays


You can choose from a variety of remote displays:

  • Mechanical target (no LED) display options to eliminate the need for a battery.
  • BEACON Bolt LED display options that provide bright indication with industry-leading battery maintenance intervals.
  • A RadioRANGER wireless fault indication system that reduces the need to access vaults and manholes.

Some configurations, such as those with an LED or timed-reset feature, may contain a battery. For configurations with a battery, please see the lithium metal battery warning.


How To Install Test Point Reset (TPR) Fault Indicator

The Firmware IDs for older versions of the firmware can typically be found in Appendix A of the instruction manual.