html{display:none} SEL-PILC Underground Paper-Insulated Lead-Covered Cable Fault Indicator | Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories


Underground Paper-Insulated Lead-Covered Cable Fault Indicator

SEL-PILCs are applied on paper-insulated lead-covered cables (PILCs) in underground distribution systems. The SEL-PILC is compatible with single-phase triplexed and three-phase sector (or round) PILCs from 2.2" to 4.64" in diameter.

The SEL-PILC’s split-core design is quick and easy to install without disconnecting the cable. Its rugged construction is designed for submersion in up to 15 feet of water. The SEL-PILC is compatible with the RadioRANGER Underground Wireless Fault Indication System. Used together, they make fault-finding on urban systems as simple and quick as possible.

Accessories and Tools for Fault Indicators and Sensors

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Easy Installation and Use—Apply SEL-PILC Fault Indicators along segmented PILCs to effectively locate faults without the need to separate or disconnect the individual phases of the cable. Optimize fault-finding time with four- or eight-hour automatic timed reset.

Cost Efficiency—As the segmented cable is gradually replaced with triplex nonlead cable, apply the same fault indicators to the triplexed bundle to effectively locate faults.

Versatility—Install SEL-PILCs in metropolitan areas, airports, universities, and industrial sites to quickly locate faults. When these fault indicators are used in conjunction with the RadioRANGER System, there is no need to open, enter, pump, or drain multiple vaults or manholes to determine the fault indicator status. Troubleshooters can use the information displayed on the remote fault reader to find the faulted cable section, in many cases without leaving the truck.


  • Narrows possible fault locations to one or two spans of cable.
  • Choice of a remote target or RadioRANGER compatibility maximizes display options.
  • Sensor design accommodates PILC diameters ranging from 2.2" to 4.64".
  • Four- and eight-hour timed reset options ensure sufficient fault-finding time.
  • Split-cuff design makes installation simple.
  • Fully encapsulated circuitry and stainless steel parts withstand harsh underground environments.
  • Durable construction, 3.6 V lithium battery, and reliable circuitry provide more than 15 years of maintenance-free operation.

Some configurations, such as those with an LED or timed-reset feature, may contain a battery. For configurations with a battery, please see the lithium metal battery warning.

  • BEACON Bolt display
  • Large “L” display
  • SEL-8310 RadioRANGER Remote Fault Reader display


How To Install A PILC FCI

The Firmware IDs for older versions of the firmware can typically be found in Appendix A of the instruction manual.

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