html{display:none} SEL-MW Microcontroller-Based Wye Voltage Sensor | Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories


Microcontroller-Based Wye Voltage Sensor

SEL recommends selecting the SEL-3780 Test Point Voltage Sensor in place of the SEL-MW.

Replacement product: SEL-3780 Test Point Voltage Sensor

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Automatic Source Transfers—Apply SEL-MWs in automatic source transfer applications to trigger the operation of the source transfer switchgear upon a loss of source voltage. The SEL-MW detects a loss of system voltage on the primary source that feeds mission-critical loads. Upon detection of the voltage loss, the SEL-MW will open its auxiliary contact, signaling a remote terminal unit (RTU) to initiate a transfer to a backup source.


The Firmware IDs for older versions of the firmware can typically be found in Appendix A of the instruction manual.