html{display:none} Fall Virtual Seminar | Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories

Fall Virtual Seminar

Faster, Safer, Simpler—
Technologies and Innovations for Electric Power Systems

We are excited to host the first Fall Virtual Seminar—a brand-new platform for sharing the latest solutions from SEL.

SEL President and Chief Technology Officer Dr. Edmund O. Schweitzer, III, will deliver the keynote address, sharing an overview of innovations from the past year and how our products are improving the safety, speed, and effectiveness of power systems. Then, you will hear from top engineers at SEL about our advancements in time-domain technology and generator protection.  

The Fall Virtual Seminar video recordings are still available for you to watch on demand. However, PDH credits are no longer available for watching the recordings. Please log in to your mySEL account to access them.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Stefany Holcomb for assistance.


Now Showing

8:00–8:40 a.m. Keynote From Dr. Schweitzer
8:40–9:25 a.m.Introducing the SEL-T401L Ultra-High-Speed Line Relay and SEL-400G Generator Relay
9:25–9:50 a.m.Break
9:50–10:30 a.m.New Technology, Learning Resources, and Best Practices for Secure Supply Chain Management
10:30–11:00 a.m.Live Q&A

Registration Required


These presentations are available on-demand.

Keynote From Dr. Edmund O. Schweitzer, III

Join Dr. Schweitzer to hear about exciting new developments, the direction that SEL is taking for 2021, and how we’re continuing to partner with you to provide safer, more reliable, and more economical electric power.

Dr. Edmund O. Schweitzer, III

Introducing the SEL-T401L Ultra-High-Speed Line Relay and SEL-400G Generator Relay

This two-part presentation focuses on the exciting features and results from two of our latest innovations: the SEL-T401L and SEL‑400G.

Venkat Mynam

Normann Fischer

New Technology, Learning Resources, and Best Practices for Secure Supply Chain Management

This presentation will introduce exciting new SEL technology plus share where you can find training opportunities through the afternoon breakout sessions, regular webinars, and virtual SEL University resources. We will also provide an update on SEL efforts to support NERC CIP-013-01 compliance and help our customers respond to Executive Order 13920.

Mark Zeller

Bill Glennon

Frank Harrill

Live Q&A

Join Dave Whitehead, Venkat Mynam, Normann Fischer, and Mark Zeller for the opportunity to ask questions about our solutions and engage with some of the driving forces behind innovation at SEL.

David E. Whitehead

Venkat Mynam

Normann Fischer

Mark Zeller

Frank Harrill

Breakout Sessions

These presentations are available on-demand.


Simplify Substation Design to Improve Reliability

This presentation will cover new SEL technologies and solutions that help improve substation design to make electric power safer, more reliable, and more economical.


Roger Baldevia
Jag Bakthavatchalam
Austin Wade
Julian Alzate


Distribution Automation: Maximizing the Impact of Distribution Assets

This presentation includes new features, new products, and use cases illustrating how solutions can be applied to enhance and simplify both protection and post-fault mitigation strategies, such as fault location, isolation, and service restoration (FLISR).


Bryan Fazzari
Bob Hughes
Ben Rowland


Improving Operational Efficiency With Modern Automation Technologies

This presentation will discuss applications for modern automation technology in power system information and device management.


Mark S. Weber
Cailin Ventresco
Brian Waldron
Isaac West


Practices and Solutions to Common Application Problems

In this session, SEL presenters will discuss commonly encountered application issues and their solutions as well as tips and tricks for testing and commissioning.


Brad Heilman
Ryan McDaniel


Practical Microgrid Protection Solutions

This presentation explains some the challenges surrounding microgrids and inverter-based resources, then shares several common techniques to overcome them with programmable protective relays.


Scott Manson


Industrial Platform Innovations Enable Reliable Service, Asset Monitoring, Simplicity, and Much More

This session will highlight the latest products and updates for our industrial customers, including details about the latest relay from SEL.


Monika Murugesan
David Bisel
Jim Buff

Viewing Guide

Tech Tips

For the best viewing experience, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Make sure that your internet connection is stable. A wired connection provides the most reliable experience.
  2. Close any nonessential internet tabs and computer programs.
  3. Remain on the session page once you’ve begun viewing a presentation.
  4. If you encounter any buffering or freezing issues, reload the session page.

All sessions are listed in Pacific Time. If you are unable to attend the live session, you can view the recording at a later date by navigating to the session page.

Contact Us Directly

If you have any questions, concerns, or other feedback, please feel free to reach out to Stefany Holcomb or Kim Eller for assistance.

Navigating the Presentations

  1. To begin a breakout session, navigate to the session page by clicking “View Details” link from the agenda.
  2. At the presentation’s scheduled time, the video will become available. Click the play button to join the live session, or return to the session page at a later date to view the recording.
  3. A chat panel will be available on the right-hand side of your screen, which you can use to interact directly with the presenter and ask questions. If you’ve tuned in to a live session, you can expect a quick response. Otherwise, please allow time for the presenter to be notified and provide an answer.
  4. Once you have finished viewing the session, please complete the session survey to let us know about your experience. If there is any additional feedback you would like to share, please reach out to Stefany Holcomb or Kim Eller.