html{display:none} SEL-5030 Software ACSELERATOR QuickSet - Suporte | Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories


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acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software

acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software is a tool for engineers and technicians to quickly and easily configure, commission, and manage devices for power system protection, control, metering, and monitoring. QuickSet Device Manager, included as a free, optional expansion pack, provides additional device management, control, and versioning capabilities.

Full Install

Capacidade 1,57 GB
Código de Data 20241030

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Sistemas Operacionais Suportados

  • Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bits)
  • Microsoft Windows 11 (64 bits)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016 (64 bits)
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (64 bits)

Versão mínima do software