html{display:none} SEL-MCG Magnetic Cable Guide | Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories


Magnetic Cable Guide

Keep remote display and sensor cables neat and secure. The SEL-MCG is a favorite tool of customers who use fault indicators with remote displays to keep the wiring in place against the inside of an enclosure.

SEL-MCGs securely position cables against the cabinet wall but are easy to reposition when pulling elbows, moving fault indicators, or working inside the enclosure. The magnetic strength is great enough to hold approximately 750 grams of weight when placed on a smooth surface.

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Security for Display and Sensor Cables—Securely position cables against cabinet walls with the SEL-MCG. Easily reposition SEL-MCGs when pulling elbows, moving fault indicators, or working inside enclosures. The magnetic strength of SEL-MCGs is great enough to hold approximately 750 grams of weight when placed on a smooth surface.


Example SEL-MCG applications: 

  • Use a cable tie to affix an SEL-MCG to a handheld meter. Place the meter on the side of equipment or other cabinet for hands-free operation.
  • Secure fiber-optic and Ethernet cables to racks.
  • Keep wiring neat and secure underneath surface-mount technology machines.
  • Organize computer cables at your desk.

The Firmware IDs for older versions of the firmware can typically be found in Appendix A of the instruction manual.