html{display:none} Explore the Time-Domain (SEL-T400L) and Ultra-High-Speed (SEL-T401L) Line Protection Relays | Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
Recorded Technical Presentation

Explore the Time-Domain (SEL-T400L) and Ultra-High-Speed (SEL-T401L) Line Protection Relays

Date held: Thursday, 2 July, 2020
Duration: 1 hour

During this recorded technical presentation you will learn from SEL presenter Ciprian Hosu about SEL’s time-domain (SEL-T400L) and ultra-high-speed (SEL-T401L) line protection relays. During this webinar, you will:

  • Gain insights about the SEL-T400L Time-Domain Line Protection relay’s performance from recent field events.
  • Learn how to analyze traveling-wave events and the operation of time-domain protection.
  • Learn how to perform traveling-wave-based fault locating offline for simple line configurations.
  • View traveling waves in Bewley lattice diagrams.
  • Hear about the new continuous line-monitoring feature for detecting incipient events.
  • Get a sneak peek of the new SEL-T401L Ultra-High-Speed Line Relay, which is scheduled to release later this year.