html{display:none} SEL-5037 SEL Grid Configurator - Soporte | Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories


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SEL-5037 Grid Configurator

SEL Grid Configurator is a freely distributed software tool for engineers and technicians to quickly and confidently create, manage, and deploy settings for SEL power system devices. It features a modern interface designed for ease of use, with powerful protection visualization and comprehensive reporting to reduce device deployment complexity. 


Please refer to Section 1 of the SEL Grid Configurator instruction manual to determine the appropriate installation type to use. 

SEL-5037 Grid Configurator Admin Install

Tamaño 1.28 GB
Código de fecha 20241108


This install requires administrator privileges to install.  SEL Grid Configurator will be available to all users on the computer.

Verificando descargas de software de SEL

SEL-5037 Grid Configurator User Install

Tamaño 883.23 MB
Código de fecha 20241108


This install does not require administrator privileges to install.  SEL Grid Configurator will only be available to the user that installed it.

Verificando descargas de software de SEL

Sistema operativo: Microsoft Windows 10 (64 bits), Microsoft Windows Server 2016

Procesador: 1 GHz


Espacio de disco: 1 GB

Pantalla: Resolución de pantalla mínima de 1280 x 1024

Software de terceros requerido: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2