TST 103: SEL Feeder Relay Testing
In this course, you will learn the skills required to enter settings, test, commission, and troubleshoot SEL relays.
You will:
- Review skills required to work with SEL relays.
- Learn about specific distribution relay testing considerations.
- Practice the acquired skills by working with different relays throughout the course.
- Gain familiarity with the operating principles of each type of relay.
- Explore the features of SEL relay technology to make appropriate choices when designing test routines.
A variety of SEL relays are used during TST 103, including feeder protection (SEL-751A), transformer protection (SEL-787), and directional overcurrent (SEL-351S) relays.
TST 103 is intended for relay technicians or protection engineers and system consultants with an interest in relay testing.
Day 1
- Introduction to Relay Testing
- Overview of acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
- SEL-751A Relay Overview
- Introduction to SELogic Control Equations
- SEL-751A Hands-On Testing
- Event Report Analysis
Day 2
- SEL-787 Relay Overview
- Introduction to Differential Testing
- SEL-787 Hands-On Testing
- SEL-787 Hands-On Analysis
Day 3
- SEL-351S Relay Overview (includes a hands-on exercise)
- SEL-351S Hands-On Testing: Part 2
- Negative-Sequence Impedance Directional Element (includes a hands-on exercise)
- SEL-351S Hands-On Analysis
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course, students can:
- Establish communications with an SEL relay using QuickSet.
- Enter settings into an SEL relay.
- Equate Relay Word bits and SELOGIC control equations to traditional relay element outputs and discrete contact logic.
- Test, commission, and troubleshoot using metering, sequential events recording, and event reporting features of SEL relays.
- Calculate relay test points based on relay settings.
- Analyze relay response with information recorded by the relay using SEL software.
- Understand differential relay concepts and determine appropriate test values.
Student Background and Knowledge
Before you attend this class, we recommend that you:
- Complete TST 101: SEL Relay Testing Basics OR have experience testing protective relays.
- Complete CBT 101: Introduction to SEL Relays OR have basic familiarity with protective relaying, SELogic control equations, front-panel controls, and the SEL-4000 Relay Test System.
Course Preparation
Install or update the following software/files on the laptop you are bringing to class:
- acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software (include all device drivers during installation).
- SEL-C662 USB driver.
- SEL-787, SEL-751A, and SEL-351S instruction manuals.
- SEL-5401 Software.
In addition, you will need a calculator capable of performing computations involving complex numbers (e.g., TI 30Xa or similar).
Please ensure that your laptop does not have any installation blocks before you come to class.
Additional information is on the Course Policies and FAQ pages.