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Manuales de instrucción
SEL-321-0, -1 Phase and Ground Distance Relay
SEL-321-2 Phase and Ground Distance Relay
SEL-321-3, -4 Phase and Ground Distance Relay
Hojas de ajustes
SEL-321-0,-1 1A Nominal Relay Settings Sheet
SEL-321-0,-1 5A Nominal Relay Settings Sheet
SEL-321-2 1A Nominal Relay Settings Sheet
SEL-321-2 5A Nominal Relay Settings Sheet
SEL-321-3, -4 1A Nominal Relay Settings Sheet
SEL-321-3, -4 5A Nominal Relay Settings Sheet
Guías de aplicación
Introducción a los relés SEL para nuevos usuarios
Applying SEL Relays in Systems With Inverter-Based Resources
Maintaining Switched-Mode Relay Responsiveness in an RSTP Network
Defining DCE and DTE: Null Modem Cable and Straight-Through Cable Applications
Use SEL-300 and SEL-400 Series Relays to Set Up POTT and DCB Schemes
Using an SEL-321 and an SEL-311 Series Relay to Set Up POTT and DCB Schemes
Mapping Analog Inputs to a SCADA Protocol for Remote Indication of Fault Location in SEL-311, SEL-321, SEL-421, and SEL-411L Relays
Applying the SEL-321 Relay to Permissive Overreaching Transfer Trip (POTT) Schemes
The SEL-321 Relay Load-Encroachment Function Setting Guidelines
Using the SEL-2126 Fiber-Optic Transfer Switch and the SEL-321-1 in Bypass-Breaker
Mirrored Bits
Communications-Assisted Tripping Schemes
Recommended Ways to Detect Loss-of-Potential (LOP) Conditions in the SEL-321, SEL-421, and SEL-311 Series Relays
SEL-321-1/SEL-321-2 Configuration and Fast Meter Messages
LOG Input Considerations When Implementing a DCUB Scheme Using
Mirrored Bits
Communications in the SEL-321, SEL-311C, SEL-311L, and SEL-421 Relays
Use SEL-421, SEL-321, and SEL-311 Relays Where Different Systems Are Required for Primary and Backup Line Protection
Three-Terminal Line Protection Using SEL-321-1 Relays With
Mirrored Bits
Using SEL Relays to Provide Primary or Backup Bus Protection
Applying the SEL-321 Relay on Series-Compensated Systems
Improvements to the Loss-of-Potential (LOP) Function in the SEL-321
SEL-221F/SEL-321 Relay Setting Equivalency Sheet
SEL-221G-5/SEL-321 Relay Setting Equivalency Sheet
Multiple Reclosing Functions in the SEL-321 Relay Using
Control Equations
Testing the SEL-321-1 Relay-to-Relay Digital Logic Communication Time Delay
Single-Pole/Three-Pole Autoreclose Function for Single Breaker Applications in the SEL-321 Relay Using
Control Equations
Setting the Zero-Sequence Compensation Factors in SEL-321 Relays to Avoid Overreach in Mutual Coupled Lines
Control Equations to Provide Separate Trip Coil Monitor (TCM) Alarm Outputs in the SEL-321 Relay When Applied to Two-Breaker Line Terminals
Using the SEL-321 Relay and SEL-221F Relay for Primary and Backup Transmission Protection
Three Terminal POTT Protection Using the SEL-321 Relay
SEL-321-1 Compressed ASCII Commands
Using the SEL-321 Relay and SEL-221G Relay as Primary and Backup Transmission Protection
REJO Application Guidelines
SEL-321-2 Relay Compressed ASCII Commands
Applying SEL Distance Relays on Lines with Power Transformers or Open Delta VTs
Implementation of a New Communication-Aided Tripping Scheme Using the SEL-321 Relay Mirrored Bit Function
Applying the SEL-321 Relay to Directional Comparison Unblocking (DCUB)Schemes
A Breaker Simulator in the SEL-321 Relay for Three-Pole Tripping Applications
SEL-321 Zone 1 Extension Logic Description
SEL-221B/121B, SEL-221C/121C, SEL-221G/121G, SEL-221H/121H, SEL-221S/121S, SEL-121-10, SEL-2PG10/PG10, SEL-321-1 Fast Meter Command Processing
Testing Frequency Shift Carrier From a Single End Using the SEL-321 Relay
SEL-321 Relay Breaker Failure Protection
Select the Best Reclosing Method for Your Application
Fast Operate Command Processing
SEL-221G-3/SEL-321 Relay Setting Equivalency Sheet
SEL-221H/SEL-321 Relay Setting Equivalency Sheet
Applying the SEL-321 Relay to Directional Comparison Blocking (DCB) Schemes