CBT 101: Introduction to SEL Relays
Course Length: 4 Hours (PDHs: 4)
Course-Based Fees: $0*
*Plus Applicable Tax
From this complimentary computer-based course, students should gain basic knowledge and skills associated with operating SEL relays. The course is self-paced.
This course is intended for protection engineers, relay technicians, and power system consultants.
- Introduction
- Front-Panel Operation
- acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software
- SELogic
- Data Capture and Event Reports (ERs)
- Relay Testing Basics
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course, students can:
- Identify front-panel controls and their functions.
- Retrieve metering data, view and change relay settings, and execute local control from the front panel.
- Establish communication with SEL relays using QuickSet.
- Read, edit, and send settings to SEL relays using QuickSet.
- Program SELogic control equations.
- Download events captured by SEL relays using QuickSet.
- View events using SEL-5601-2 synchroWAVe Event Software.
- Create basic pickup and timing tests using the SEL-4000 Relay Test System.
Student Background and Knowledge
Before you attend this class, we recommend that you have a basic knowledge of power systems.
Additional information is on the Course Policies and FAQ pages.