APP ICON: SEL ICON Integrated Communications Optical Network
The SEL ICON Integrated Communications Optical Network is a versatile multiplexer purpose built for power systems communications networks. The ICON efficiently supports time-division multiplexing (TDM) and Ethernet traffic on a single platform and can also transport this traffic over SONET links.
The APP ICON course is interactive and activity-based. During this course, you will configure and implement a realistic OC-48 communications scheme and configure various circuits over SONET. Each unit of this course will guide you, step-by-step, through provisioning this comprehensive communications and protection scheme.
For information on advanced topologies, view the APP ICON ADV-1: SEL ICON Advanced Topologies course.
This course is intended for utility IT personnel, regulatory agency personnel, power system communications and automation engineers, and advanced technicians.
Day 1
- Review of Multiplexing and Time-Division Multiplexing
- Network Topologies
- SEL ICON Overview
- SEL-5051 Network Management System Software Introduction (with exercise)
- Hardware and Configuration Overview
- Ethernet Communication Fundamentals
- Choose one of the following:
- Provisioning an Ethernet Channel With the Standard Line Module Exercise (with exercise)
OR - Provisioning an Ethernet Channel With the Protected Line Module Exercise (with exercise)
- Provisioning an Ethernet Channel With the Standard Line Module Exercise (with exercise)
Day 2
- Nx64F Channel Programming (with SLM or PLM exercise)
- Circuit Wizard Configuration (with transfer trip exercise)
- DS1 Async Module Exercise (with exercise)
- DS1 Sync Module Exercise (with exercise)
- 422 Sync Submodule (with exercise)
- PLM DS0 Grooming and DS1 Sync Overview
- NMS Client/Server (with unprovisioning exercise)
- Transport Technologies
- Introduction to Virtual Synchronous Network (with exercise)
- ICON Assessments
Learning Outcomes
At the conclusion of this course, students can:
- Identify the major features and functions of the SEL ICON.
- Set up a node to configure, test, commission, and troubleshoot the following communications circuits for an OC-48 ring network using SEL-5051 NMS Software in a standalone environment.
- IEEE C37.94
- Transfer Trip
- 10 Mb Ethernet
- 100 Mb Ethernet
- Configure GPS time source inputs for SONET frequency (SSM timing) and distributed time-of-day synchronization.
- Configure security parameters in the SEL ICON to help meet NERC CIP requirements.
- Perform commissioning tests to validate alarming and switching between nodes and around the ring.
- Evaluate the differences between a standalone environment and a client/server environment with the SEL 5051/SEL-5052 Client/Server NMS Software.
Optionally, students will be able to:
- Convert a SONET-based network to a virtual synchronous networking (VSN)-based network.
- Groom DS0 circuits.
- Configure, test, and commission other access modules.
Course Preparation
Make sure your laptop has the following features and updated software:
- SEL-5051: The software download will be provided with your digital course materials 2 weeks prior to the start of the course.
- Ethernet port.
Please ensure that your laptop does not have any installation blocks before you come to class.
Additional information is on the Course Policies and FAQ pages.