After evaluating multiple power system designs, the manufacturer chose an innovative SEL arc-flash protection scheme. This design, which includes an SEL-3555 Real-Time Automation Controller (RTAC) and SEL-751A Feeder Protection Relays, uses light sensors and fast overcurrent detection to trip breakers in less than 10 milliseconds. Because the system operates so fast, it significantly limits arc-flash incident energy and protects personnel and equipment from arc blasts. The addition of the RTAC enabled the use of fiber-optic communications, which significantly reduced the amount of wiring and provided greater system visibility and performance.
Additionally, the design provides full redundancy for every major piece of equipment in the protection scheme, which ensures power availability throughout the plant. You can find further technical details in the case study “Safer by Design: Protecting Industrial Personnel and Equipment From Arc-Flash Hazards.”
The SEL solution significantly improved safety by reducing the arc-flash hazard risk at the new facility. The solution also allows engineers to perform maintenance remotely, which helps them to work at a safe distance from any potential arc-flash events.
According to the facilities engineer on the project, the SEL protection scheme provides reliable power and helps protect their personnel and equipment. As a result, the manufacturer recently completed retrofitting the original plant’s power system with the same SEL equipment.
“This is the safest medium-voltage switchgear in any [of our facilities] in the world.”