Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
Sep 8, 2023
Webinar: Streamline Data Collection and Fleet Management With DMA on Blueframe
On October 4, 2023, join us for a webinar about our next-generation solution for automated data collection: the Data Management and Automation (DMA) application suite on the SEL Blueframe application platform.
DMA applications automatically collect, store, and manage data in a centralized location. With the ability to rotate passwords and collect disturbance data, device settings, and metering data, DMA is an ideal replacement for acSELerator Team SEL-5045 Software.
In this webinar, we’ll discuss each application package in the DMA suite:
- Disturbance Monitoring—Collects event oscillography and SOE data
- Configuration Monitoring—Checks active device settings, firmware versions, and device IDs
- Credential Management—Rotates IED passwords on custom schedules
- Custom Monitoring—Custom collection of files or command results from supported devices
- Meter Monitoring—Collects LDP and VSSI data
You’ll also learn about software solutions for visualizing and analyzing data.
For more information and to register, visit the webinar webpage .