Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
Oct 6, 2023
Webinar: The Next Evolution in FLISR Simplicity—Automatic Configuration With GIS Data
FLISR (fault location, isolation, and service restoration) on SEL Blueframe redefines simplicity in distribution automation—allowing users to configure FLISR systems one feeder at a time using a simple graphical interface.
Recent enhancements have made FLISR even simpler and faster. Now, users can import GIS data into a new Power System Model app on SEL Blueframe. This allows them to automatically design, configure, and regularly update their systems.
Join us for a webinar on October 25, 2023, to learn about the benefits of GIS integration, two new Blueframe apps that enable GIS functionality, and more.
For more information and to register, visit the webinar webpage.