Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories
The Early Days of WPRC
Dr. Ed Schweitzer’s keynote address at the 2023 Western Protective Relay Conference
This week marks the 50th anniversary of the Western Protective Relay Conference (WPRC). Dr. Ed Schweitzer presented a keynote to kick off this annual weeklong event which it is hosted by Washington State University in Spokane, WA.
WPRC has become the premier educational forum for presenting and discussing the broad and detailed technical aspects of power system protection.
Dr. Ed Schweitzer submitted his first technical paper to WPRC in 1976 while he was attending WSU. That paper was titled, "A Summary and Comparison of Digital Relaying Techniques.” Through the years, Dr. Schweitzer and many other SEL employees have continued to play an active role in WPRC. SEL subject matter experts have authored more than 450 of the total 1,485 technical papers developed for WPRC in its 50-year history.