html{display:none} SEL-5032 ACSELERATOR Architect Software | Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories


acSELerator Architect Software

Architect configures and documents IEC 61850 systems that include GOOSE, Sampled Values, or Manufacturing Message Specification (MMS) for process bus and SCADA applications.

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Simple Device Integration—Design and configure SEL devices in IEC 61850 installations using acSELerator QuickSet SEL-5030 Software and Architect together. Architect provides a means to configure and document the IEC 61850 communications settings between SEL devices and devices from multiple manufacturers.

  • Import and export Edition 1, Edition 2, and Edition 2.1 Substation Configuration Language (SCL) files to simplify system implementation.
  • Detect and report errors by automatically comparing SCL files with the IEC 61850 requirements.
  • SCL files include:
    • SCD—Substation Configuration Description.
    • ICD—IED Capability Description.
    • CID—Configured IED Description.
    • IID—Instantiated IED Description
  • Easily utilize the software with these tools:
    • Drag-and-drop functionality.
    • IED palette manager.
    • Tab orientation.
    • Diagnostic windows.
    • Settings wizard.
    • Project builder to rebuild an SCD from multiple SCL files.
    • Semantic XML to compare two SCL files and identify changes
  • Upgrade an existing IED CID file to a new version.
  • Deploy multiple CID files in a single operation.
  • Clone data sets to use the same dataset in multiple IEDs.
  • Create and edit custom buffered and unbuffered MMS reports.
  • Configure the publications and subscriptions for IEC 61850-9-2LE Sampled Values.
  • Create and organize custom logical devices.

Server Model—Architect provides the following functionalities:

  • View the SEL IED server model logical device, logical node, and data object data.
  • Edit the SEL IED server model for supported devices.



acSELerator Architect—Part 1: Creating a Project

acSELerator Architect—Part 2: Creating IEC 61850 GOOSE Publications

acSELerator Architect—Part 3: Creating IEC 61850 GOOSE Subscriptions

acSELerator Architect—Part 4: Creating Data Sets

acSELerator Architect—Using the IED Upgrade Tool

The Firmware IDs for older versions of the firmware can typically be found in Appendix A of the instruction manual.

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SEL Compass

Compass provides simple and convenient tools for managing SEL digital content. Users can keep software applications and relay configuration drivers up to date without manually browsing product webpages, as well as download new product updates and literature.

Learn more and download on the Compass software page.